hey, teka!

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#WriteOn! (The Intro)

photog: Jettie Norfeet

It always starts with the turn of a page, the stroke of a pen. 

Hey! I'm Teka and I write. Daily? I wish. Hopefully this blog will hold me accountable to that and more. 

For years, writing has served as a critical coping tool for me. From expressive writing to fulfilling assignments, I found solitude in the spaces between key strokes and open journals. Archiving my life with a collection of thoughts, poems, stories, affirmations, and even prayers has given me the greatest opportunity: leaving a legacy. Whether it be for the entire world or my future daughter(s), sharing the hard-learned lessons, including the highs and lows along the way, will reflect the growth that is always occurring inside and around me. Around you. 

So why blog? 

For me. For you. There is no reason the journey should be experienced alone. In sharing, I hope to create a safe space where you can comment, and even submit your own experiences. It won't always be pretty and I'm not here to be your average blogger. I'm not here to be average at anything.

I'm here to empower through my vulnerability.  
